Green Building

Green Building

Green building is the practice of representing a building that reduces resource use, waste, and negative environmental affect. It helps in accelerating occupant health and productivity and assists in decreasing life cycle cost of a structure. With the ever-changing environment, green building is an alternative to the traditional building process of homes and buildings. At the client’s request, we at Oxford Building Company are able to focus on sustainable systems and create value through strategic solutions that not only benefit the environment, but use it to the client’s advantage. Our team of dedicated professionals is here to inform solutions to our clients regarding natural energy and green construction. Oxford BC is ready to turn your vision into reality while helping to create a more sustainable future with what we build.

Our services include a structure and application of processes that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building's life-cycle. This is made possible using some of the methods below.

  • Designing
    • Designing a structure with the least possible environmental impact in-mind
  • Construction
    • Utilizing eco-friendly materials
  • Operation
    • Minimizing contractor and client exposure to hazardous materials or chemicals
  • Maintenance
    • Utilizing green-energy devices such as solar panels, smart appliances, etc.
  • Renovation
    • Converting traditional aspects of a home or building into environmentally-friendly ones
  • GREEN Demolition Process, also known as Deconstruction
    • The systematic disassembly of a building in order to maximize the salvage of reusable building materials first and to recycle materials second. Salvaging reusable building materials reduces the amount of construction waste routed to landfills and reduces the demand on virgin resources.